How To Get Over Your Dental Anxiety

Posted on: 16 January 2015

It is common to suffer from some form of dental anxiety. It could be as simple as sweaty palms as you are sitting in the dentist's chair, or maybe it is an overwhelming fear that prevents you from making your regular 6 month appointment. If you suffer from dental anxiety, try one of these tips to help yourself get over it.

Use A Dental Bite Block

A problem you may have when it comes to your dental appointment is keeping your mouth wide open for an extended period of time. It can be uncomfortable, and make you nervous about the dental checkup procedure. Ask the dentist or places like Family Dental Office if they have a dental bite block that you can use to keep your mouth open.

Instead of straining and focusing on keeping your mouth wide open for the procedure, the bite block will help you relax throughout the check up. No longer will you need to worry about how wide your mouth is open, as it will take one less concern off your mind.

Play Music With Headphones

Sometimes it is the sound of the dentist office that makes people fearful. They hear the scraping, the drills, and patients in the room next door. It can easily make you nervous as you are anticipating what is going to happen next.

Your dentist will not be offended if you bring your headphone and MP3 player to help zone out during the procedure. It will help take your mind off what is happening, and drown out those sounds that drive you nuts. It also helps to keep your eyes closed while listening to music, that way you cannot see what is going on.

Bring A Friend With You

It is easy to back out of a dental appointment when the only person that knows is yourself. Next time you are scheduled to have a check up, ask a friend or family member to come with you.

Bringing somebody along will help make you feel more at ease, as you will have somebody to talk to and reassure you that everything will be fine. It will also make it more difficult to back out of going to your appointment, as they can help force you go through with.

Dental anxiety is a very real problem that can have an impact on the health of your teeth. By following these tips, it can help make your dental appointments easier to handle. 
