The Importance Of Dental Bridges To Replace Missing Teeth

Posted on: 14 October 2019

Dental bridges can replace a single missing tooth or several missing teeth to give you a full mouth of teeth. If you are missing a tooth or if you have an area with several teeth missing, a dental bridge can be created to fill in the gap. The bridge attaches to nearby teeth, helping to protect the integrity of your bite. If you go with missing teeth for too long, your face can appear older and change shape slightly. As you live with missing teeth, your teeth are going to shift, causing problems with your bite. With an open space in your mouth, teeth are not going to stay in place, and you are at risk for jaw pain or further tooth damage.

Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Bridges

Your dentist will make casts of the space where you have missing teeth in order to create a synthetic bridge that fits perfectly. It is going to take several visits for your dentist to prepare the space for a dental bridge. The nearby teeth are prepared as an attachment site for the dental bridge. Your casts are sent out to a dental lab, where a new bridge will be created. A temporary bridge will be placed in your mouth to protect the nearby teeth as you wait for the permanent bridge to be made.

Securing a Dental Bridge

Once a bridge is placed in your mouth, you can't take it out without the help of a dentist. It is a permanent fixture in your mouth, cemented and carefully adjusted into your mouth so that it is comfortable and replaces the teeth that are missing. You shouldn't have any further problems with the area, and you won't have to treat your bridge any differently than your natural teeth. Once your bridge is permanently in place, your existing teeth are no longer at risk of moving.

Dental Implants and Bridges

You can choose to get a dental bridge that is attached in your mouth using dental implant technology. As long as you are in general good health, your dentist may be able to secure your bridge into your mouth without modifying your nearby teeth. Your bridge is attached to a dental implant that is embedded into your jaw instead, providing a secure attachment for your bridge.

Dental bridges help maintain the structure of your jaw, reducing the potential for pain and other problems. Talk with your dentist about a dental bridge when you have missing teeth.
