• Dealing With Gum Disease: Three Treatment Options To Consider

    Gum disease is an infection of the gums, which can lead to bone loss, tooth loss and other complications. If you have gum disease, your dentist or periodontist can recommend options to help improve your overall oral health and fight the disease. Before you choose a treatment option, consider familiarizing yourself with the different treatments available. Here are a few options you may want to consider. Root Planing And Scaling [Read More]

  • Can't Get Dental Floss Between Your Teeth? What Your Dentist Or Orthodontist Might Do About It

    If you have a really difficult time with getting dental floss between your teeth, you may experience bleeding gums when you are able to get the floss through and it has to be forced through the teeth and cuts the gums. You may also experience a higher percentage of cavities in between your teeth because you cannot floss properly. Your dentist will undoubtedly note these conditions when examining your teeth. He or she may suggest one or more of the following treatments for teeth that are too close together and prevent dental floss from doing its job. [Read More]

  • Go Beyond Routine Dental Care To Get The Smile You Deserve

    Even if you make frequent trips to the dentist for checkups, exams and cleanings, there may still be some things that you don't like about your smile. Misaligned teeth or teeth that are overcrowded or overlapping, can be altered to give you the smile you've been searching for. Oral surgeons who specialize in both general and cosmetic dentistry can offer you a large array of options for getting the look you deserve. [Read More]

  • Everything You Need To Know About Cavities

    It's important for you to do what you can to maintain healthy teeth. Not only will this help you to keep your great-looking smile, but it also helps prevent health problems that can come from dental issues. One of the best things you can do to take your dental care seriously is to learn all about cavities. This article will explain cavities to you and educate you on how they happen and the complications that can come with them. [Read More]

  • 5 Reasons To Go With Traditional Metal Braces With New Heat Activated Arch Wires

    When it comes to adjusting the bite of your teeth for a straighter smile and less damage to each tooth, most patients assume that the more complex invisible and sub-lingual braces are always the best options. However, choosing the traditional metal braces with a new type of arch wires can give you a better combination of dental benefits. Find out how the new heat sensitive arch wires make metal braces a viable option once again. [Read More]

  • 3 Pediatric Dental Issues

    There are numerous parents that tend to gloss over dental issues for their infants or small children. This is an unwise decision. There are numerous issues regarding your child's oral hygiene that should be addressed by both you and a pediatric dentist, like Robert L. Edmonstone, DDS. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few of the most common pediatric dental issues that can befall your child. [Read More]

  • How To Manage Dry Mouth When You Use A CPAP Machine

    CPAP machines are excellent for keeping patients with sleep apnea breathing through the night. However, a common "side effect" of these machines is waking up with dry mouth. If you use a CPAP machine and often wake up with a dry, cottony feeling in your mouth, it's important not to ignore this issue. Dry mouth is not just annoying. It allows for the proliferation of oral bacteria, which greatly increases your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. [Read More]

  • How to Tell the Difference Between a Toothache and an Abscessed Tooth

    When a tooth begins to hurt, it may just be a basic toothache that will go away over time, or it could be an abscessed tooth. A basic toothache may not require any dental work, but an abscessed tooth will, and that is why it is important to understand the difference. Here are several things you should know about toothaches and abscessed teeth. Things that cause toothaches and abscessed teeth [Read More]

  • Laughing Gas: A Patient's Guide

    You've probably heard of laughing gas – it's that special concoction that dentists sometimes have their patients inhale in order to take the edge off during treatment. If you've never had laughing gas before, you may want to learn a little more before choosing to have it during your next dental procedure. Here's what you need to know: What is laughing gas? The technical term for laughing gas is actually nitrous oxide. [Read More]

  • DIY Teeth Whitening Ideas You Should Never Try At Home

    From the stars that grace the red carpet and show off their pearly whites to the cameras to the everyday people you encounter on the street, it can seem like everybody in the world has a whiter smile than what you have in your own mouth. If you have not yet made the choice to seek professional teeth whitening at a cosmetic dentist, you may be tempted to try out some of the DIY teeth whitening ideas you find posted by other people online. [Read More]