
  • How To Make Your Dental Implants Last Longer

    Dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option. They look natural and can help you eat and speak with ease. However, you may be concerned about how long these implants last. After all, they are a big investment. The good news is that they can last many years with the proper care. Here are a few tips to make your dental implants last longer. Select the Right Dentist First and foremost, it is important to choose the right dentist to install your dental implants. [Read More]

  • Replacing Missing Teeth With A Dental Bridge

    Losing a tooth can lead to you needing to evaluate your replacement options. Dental bridges are a standard tooth replacement option. For this reason, it may be one of the first solutions your dentist proposes. Bridges Prevent Teeth From Shifting A missing tooth can cause the teeth surrounding the gap to shift positions. This shifting can cause alignment problems. In addition to impacting your smile, these alignment issues may make it harder to replace the tooth in the future. [Read More]

  • Common Reasons Why Teeth Break And What To Do About It

    You use your teeth every day to chew your food, but your teeth can be more fragile than you might think. It's easy to accidentally fracture your teeth, especially if you're suffering from oral decay. Then, the only way to restore your smile is to head to a dentist for a procedure such as dental implant surgery. Grinding Your Teeth Your teeth are more likely to break if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. [Read More]

  • What Makes Dental Implants So Great?

    In this day and age, you have more than one solution when you have missing teeth. Classically, patients would get dentures in order to achieve that more perfect and ideal smile and to help make chewing, speaking, and doing other oral tasks easier. Nowadays, however, you have more than just the option of removing dentures to achieve that better smile. You can get dental implants, which are a more permanent solution to replacing missing teeth or teeth that need to be taken out. [Read More]

  • 4 Reasons You Need To Visit A Dentist For Sleep Apnea Treatment

    Loud snoring and waking up abruptly at night are the most common signs of sleep apnea. If you experience these symptoms, your dentist has several treatment options to consider, depending on the severity of the problem and the cause. For example, they can recommend oral appliances for mild to moderate conditions to ensure your body gets enough oxygen supply when sleeping and enjoy a good sleep at night. If you wonder whether you need this treatment, the following are the benefits of visiting a dentist for sleep apnea treatment. [Read More]

  • Beyond Tooth Pain: Other Signs You Should See A Dentist

    Most people know to go to the dentist if a tooth hurts. But tooth pain is far from the only sign of dental problems. In fact, if you wait to experience tooth pain, you have often waited longer than necessary to seek dental care. Here are some other, often more subtle, signs you should see a dentist.  You often have bad breath Everyone has bad breath when they wake up in the morning, but it should go away when you brush your teeth. [Read More]

  • 2 Common Types Of Wisdom Tooth Surgeries And What They Entail

    Unlike most teeth, extracting wisdom teeth is a bit more complex due to their location in the mouth. Wisdom teeth are the four molars located at the back of each jaw. Due to their position, removing them is a surgical procedure.  However, there are different types of surgical procedures used to remove wisdom teeth. The surgical procedure used in any case depends on the development of the wisdom tooth. For instance, the methodology used to remove a developed wisdom tooth is not the same procedure used to extract a partially developed wisdom tooth. [Read More]

  • When White Teeth Don't Necessarily Mean Healthy Teeth

    It might be hard to believe but sparkling white teeth may be hiding a dreadful secret. What onlookers see may be only surface attractiveness. Read on to find out why those beautiful-looking teeth may not always be as healthy as they can be.  Unhealthy Gums At first, gum issues may not be apparent to the person sporting white teeth or anyone else. Problems with gums can start slowly and become more obvious over time. [Read More]

  • Top Benefits Of Invisalign Treatment Over Traditional Braces

    Crooked teeth may affect your smile, negatively affecting your social life as you may shy away from interacting with others. Thus, getting the ideal teeth alignment treatment is essential. While conventional metal braces may straighten your teeth with time, consider getting Invisalign aligners. Here are the benefits of Invisalign treatment. Reduces the Number of Dental Visits Traditional metal braces may become loose or shift with time. Therefore, you may need to see your dentist frequently to make the correct adjustments. [Read More]

  • Dental Braces: What's A Buccal Tube, And Why Might It Fall Off?

    Dental braces contain multiple parts, all working in harmony to exert consistent pressure on your teeth to gradually reposition them. This pressure is delivered via the archwires, which curve around the outward-facing surfaces of your upper and lower sets of teeth, and are attached to the teeth with brackets. The end of the archwire is housed in what's called a buccal tube, which is a small metal tube bonded to your first molar. [Read More]