4 Ways To Avoid Developing Dental Anxiety

Posted on: 15 June 2018

Dental visits can often seem a bit scary; they can include loud noises, involuntary drooling, and multiple people getting all up in your personal space. And some dental treatments can cause physical pain and result in expensive payments. So, in addition to positive thinking, what can you do to keep yourself from developing dentist-associated anxiety issues? Here are a few strategies you can try to avoid developing dental anxiety.  1. Find a dentist you trust [Read More]

Did Your First Child Just Hit Their Teens? 3 Dental Issues To Watch For That Commonly Arise During Adolescence

Posted on: 17 May 2018

During the early childhood years, your biggest concerns were likely easing the pain of teething and cavity prevention. Now, however, it's time to revamp your child's dental care strategies, since the teen years often bring changes that require you to help them be extra vigilant about their oral health. Now that your teen has the majority of their permanent teeth, help them preserve their smile by addressing these common dental concerns faced by adolescents. [Read More]

The Toll That Time Takes On Teeth: 3 Reasons Why Your Teeth Look Shabbier With Age

Posted on: 15 April 2018

Everyone knows that a sparkling white smile looks great and makes you look youthful, but why do teeth tend to look worse the older you get? This guide will explain what's happened to your teeth and how the aging process tends to make teeth look less than their best. Enamel Tooth enamel is there to help protect teeth from damage, bacteria, and infection. However, an extra benefit is that dental enamel is what provides that toothy white color on teeth. [Read More]

2 Tips For Reducing The Discomfort Caused By Your Sensitive Teeth

Posted on: 16 March 2018

If you have sensitive teeth, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to decrease some of the sensitivity so you do not have pain every time you eat. If so, use the following tips for reducing the discomfort caused by your sensitive teeth. Switch to a Softer Toothbrush When you have sensitive teeth, the primary reason you are having symptoms is because your enamel has become thin. Because this protective layer is eroding away, the pulp and nerves underneath become more exposed, making them more susceptible to sensitivity to heat, cold, and even sugary foods. [Read More]