
  • 2 Unexpected Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

    If whitening strips leave you with the pain of ultra-sensitive teeth, maybe it's time to find a new way to whiten your smile at home. Consider trying one of these DIY teeth whitening remedies to achieve that beautiful, white smile you desire: Oil Pulling An ancient Ayurvedic practice, referred to as "oil pulling" since the 1990s, involves rinsing your mouth with plain coconut oil. Oil pulling has been known to gradually whiten teeth over time because it contains lauric acid, a natural ingredient that kills the bacteria found in plaque. [Read More]

  • How To Get Over Your Dental Anxiety

    It is common to suffer from some form of dental anxiety. It could be as simple as sweaty palms as you are sitting in the dentist's chair, or maybe it is an overwhelming fear that prevents you from making your regular 6 month appointment. If you suffer from dental anxiety, try one of these tips to help yourself get over it. Use A Dental Bite Block A problem you may have when it comes to your dental appointment is keeping your mouth wide open for an extended period of time. [Read More]

  • The Proper Way To Brush Your Teeth When You Wear Braces

    Even though you will be seeing your orthodontist or family dentist for professional teeth cleaning at least every six months, it's up to you to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Food gets caught easily between braces, so brushing takes a bit more effort. But proper oral hygiene prevents bigger problems so that you will have the beautiful smile you want when the braces come off: Using the Right Toothbrush [Read More]

  • What To Consider Before You Get Your Teeth Whitened

    If you are thinking about getting your teeth whitened, going to your dentist is a great option. However, there are some things to think about before you make this decision. When you're ready to seriously contemplate a professional teeth whitening, consider the following things first. Types of In-Office Whitening Methods The first thing to decide before you go to your dentist for teeth whitening is choosing between the types of in-office whitening methods. [Read More]